MV Times story on HSF’s 2nd Annual Roast & Raise

Sixty people gathered on Saturday, October 4, at the Tisbury Spring Building to celebrate Hope Strengthens Foundation’s 2nd Annual Roast & Raise. The event featured a classic pig roast where friends and families gathered in support of a great cause. In addition to...

Thank you for all of your support!

On Saturday, October 4, community members from across Martha’s Vineyard gathered at the Tisbury Spring building for Hope Strengthens Foundation’s 2nd Annual Roast & Raise to build awareness and support for people across the nation battling serious illnesses and...

Campaign to support Carol Gardner & family

In the midst of her family’s summer vacation this past July, 34 year-old mother of three Carol Gardner experienced a significant health scare leading to an emergency room visit. A CT scan revealed a mass on the right, front side of her brain. A few days later,...

Neil goes back to school!

We wanted to share this wonderful picture of Neil Hajjar getting ready to board the school bus for his first day of school. Neil continues to exhibit incredible strength in his battle against a neuromuscular disorder. Additionally, thanks to services rendered by the...

2nd Annual Roast & Raise – Saturday, October 4th

Please join Hope Strengthens Foundation for our 2nd Annual Roast & Raise on Martha’s Vineyard, Saturday, October 4th. Bring the family and enjoy a classic pig roast with all the fixings as we gather to raise awareness and support for those facing hardship as a...