Sign Up Today! – 3rd Annual HSF Charity Golf Outing

A serious illness or injury can strike at any moment. When this happens, families need immediate and often times, sustained support. Hope Strengthens Foundation serves as a charitable bridge connecting people facing hardship as a result of life-threatening illness or...

Bryan O’Neil is Semper Fidelis

Hope Strengthens Foundation supporter, U.S. Marine Corps Captain Bryan O’Neil, has scheduled some well-deserved leave this upcoming April. For most, a vacation from service would present an opportunity to step back from the high operational tempo a Marine is...

Attend a PGA TOUR event & support Hope Strengthens!

Hope Strengthens Foundation (HSF) is privileged to participate in the PGA TOUR’s TICKETS Fore CHARITY program at the 2015 Northern Trust Open taking place February 18-22, 2015 at The Riviera Country Club, Pacific Palisades, CA. TICKETS Fore CHARITY is a unique...

Great news for Carol!

Late last month, Carol Gardner visited the hospital to receive her latest MRI. Thankfully, the results showed no regrowth of the brain tumor! Carol continues her fight with 5 cycles of chemo over the next 5 months. As she undergoes additional treatment, expenses...

Thanks Coach Goethals & Pomfret School!

On Saturday, January 24th, our good friend (and HSF Director Joe Merry’s brother-in-law) Matt Goethals established an innovative effort to support Hope Strengthens Foundation. Matt is an educator and the head coach of the boys varsity hockey team at Pomfret...