Hope Strengthens Foundation (HSF) was honored to have connected with Cali Coutts earlier this year. In her own words below, Cali shares her current journey and explains how HSF has been able to offer her support.
“At 41 in January, 2023 I was living in Maryland and working as an Occupational Therapist. My world turned upside down when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer with mets to liver.
I went through 12 rounds of chemo and had excellent results. I had the pleasure of getting that treatment on the beautiful island of Martha’s Vineyard surrounded by my loving friends and family. I am currently undergoing radiation at Mass General and I am enjoying my time in Boston.
Hope Strengthens Foundation has been able to support the little things that are important such as transportation and a place to stay when needed. I appreciate all the love and support that I have received and I will beat this.
Thank you Hope Strengthens!”
– Cali Coutts