Meet Team Feighner

Nov 4, 2014 | News & Events

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Three years ago, Matt Feighner was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. With the wonderful support of his family and future wife Emily, Matt faced this enormous challenge head-on and following six months of chemotherapy, he beat cancer!

Less than a year later, Matt was snowboarding in Michigan and suffered a serious fall. The momentum and force of his landing caused his neck to snap back shattering the C5 vertebrae in his neck. Matt spent three weeks in intensive care battling for his life before he was stabilized enough to be transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. Matt had injured his spinal cord and no longer had movement of his hands or anything below his shoulders.

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Similar to his battle against cancer, Matt is once again taking on this fight with a tremendous spirit. Following the accident, Emily moved back home to care for Matt and they were married this past April. Matt is now in a wheelchair and faces significant challenges, but he and Emily are confident that there is nothing that they cannot overcome.

Hope Strengthens Foundation was privileged to recently connect with Matt and Emily. Thanks to our incredible network of donors and supporters, we were able to quickly help make a difference by covering legacy medical expenses associated with Matt’s cancer treatment as well as nursing and rehabilitation bills associated with his current needs.

Financial challenges still exist due to the fact that many of the items Matt needs are not fully covered by insurance. Emily is Matt’s full-time caregiver aside from the 4-6 hours per week that they need to pay for assistance so Emily can tend to her responsibilities at work. Matt’s nursing care is 100% out-of-pocket as are many medical supplies and transportation expenses.

Donations of any size can make a tremendous difference. For example, $25 will cover 1-hour of nursing care for Matt. To make a 100% tax-deductible contribution in support of Matt, please visit:

Upon completion of your donation, we will send you a personalized thank you note for your tax records. In addition to financial contributions, you can make a difference by sharing Matt’s story with others in your network. With your assistance, we can continue to grow a community of support around Matt and Emily!

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Thanks for making a positive difference in the lives of others.